Between Sentence Examples

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It gives unexpected information. How are the two sentences related? International students require proficiency in the English language if they are to be successful at American colleges and universities. What does the second sentence do?

It contradicts the evidence given in the first sentence. It supports the claim made in the first sentence. The first example was the close relationship between Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt who were in fact distantly related.

Between Sentence Examples - What Is a Preposition?

Academic Writing: Structures: Relationship explicit between your ideas Making The Relationship Explicit Between Your Ideas Nominalisation can be used to express the relationship between sentences more efficiently. In addition, nominalisation allows you to reduce several sentences into a single, more complex sentence. That is, further comment on an idea in one sentence can be included in a single nominalised sentence instead of in several sentences. This structure also has the effect of making the relationship between the ideas expressed in the two sentences more explicit. There are various relationships that we make between our ideas. These can be collapsed into one clause and the relationship between the ideas can be made more explicit to the reader. In 1989, Romania declared independence from communist rule. This resulted in increased freedoms for the population. Before connecting the two sentences, you must first consider what the relationship is between the two ideas. In 1989, Romania's declaration of independence from communism resulted in increased freedoms for the population. The verb of the first sentence has been nominalised. The verb of the second sentence becomes the verb of the newly formed sentence. Look at the following examples of sentences with different types of relationships. The relationship between the sentences is made more explicit when the first sentence is nominalised and the verb of the second sentence becomes the verb of the newly formed sentence, in effect, joining the sentences together. This led to the development of the atomic bomb. The discovery of atomic fusion led to the development of the atomic bomb. This contrasts to normal immigration assessment criteria. The use of persecution as the criteria to select applicants for refugee status contrasts to normal immigration assessment criteria. Addition of information I think euthanasia is important. Its importance is its concern with human rights. The importance of euthanasia is its concern with human rights. NOTE: Sometimes, you will need to add a verb into the newly joined sentences that more explicitly describes the relationship between the clauses. Original sentences The building incorporated environmentally sustainable features. Therefore, it had low energy costs. Nominalised sentence The incorporation of environmentally sustainable features into the building resulted in low energy costs. The relationship between the ideas is made more explicit by the addition of this word. Comments and questions should be directed to.

Correct Use of THERE, THEIR, THEY'RE
Another similarity shared with the pagan perspective was the u of the relationship between disease and the individual. The relationship between chemical stimulus and the number of olfactory sensilla has been demonstrated. Because of the relationship between fuel and maize, prices paid for the crop now tend to track the price of oil. In this sense the causal u between God and creatures must be asymmetrical. Musical form also consists of the relationship between different patterns of sound. Each question contains two sentences.